Saturday, January 17, 2009

Website idea 15: Take advantage of women's obsession with shoes

Today I'm going to suggest building a site about women's shoes. I can already hear your mumbling: "this idea sounds stupid and is definetly not badass at all, in fact it is totally gay". That is what I also thought at first. But let me put it this way:

People often tend to make websites about things they are most interested but most website developers are a bit geekish males like me (I have wrote about this subject more comprehensively here). So, how many people are there that meet the both of the following requirements:

a) They have enough pragmatism and passion for technology to become succesful webmasters
b) They start to scream and jump for joy whenever they pass a cute shoe store window

I would estimate the number is about 100 people worldwide (of whom at least 20 are perverted males). Just kidding, of course the number is bigger and I also acknowledge there are very good female web developers who simultaneously adore shoes. But still, I dare to claim that people who meet both of the requirements are scarce and the result is insufficient amount of shoe sites. And that gives you an opportunity to make a lot of money. Maybe it won't be so fascinating to run such a site but at least you should earn something. And in case you are a woman, it is even better because you might be actually interested about the subject.

So the site could contain at list following features:

  • On the frontpage pics and description of the most recent shoe arrivals and the best offers. Possibility to comment these stories.
  • "The shoe of a week" box on a front page, featuring a paid review of a particular shoe and a link to the store that is selling it.
  • List of all relevant shoe stores, with a description, website, contact details and opening and closing times. Possibly also a price of a standard shipment and map to the shop.
  • Reasonable amount of ads.
  • Possibly some articles on how to choose shoes, how to clean them etc.
  • If the site becomes very popular you can also consider a discussion forum.
Many of these features could be take advantage of forms, so users and shop owners can submit data by themselves and you just need to accept or reject it.

If you are living in the relatively small country, or more accurately, relatively small "language area" such as Netherlands / Dutch your job will be easier. You can include all the Dutch shoe stores and shoe store chains to your site, both online and offline ones. But what if you are living in a huge country like USA? It would probably be too ambitious to try to include all US shoe stores to your sites, so it might be a good idea to concentrate on one state only, or maybe one big city like New York. Or include the entire country but narrow the focus - for example concentrate on specific kind of shoes only.

Technically speaking, the easiest solution to get the site running would probably be installing a Joomla or similar CMS and buying this kind of template.


Anonymous said...

Im one of those cookie cutter nerds that would not even think about the idea but do you know what that actually sounds like a great idea

Teemu said...

Thanks man, it's always nice to hear something like that. :)

mcolin said...

Indeed, very clever.. I am a Belgian officer, but why should i not give it a try. However, it's difficult to come up with an original domain.. that works for everybody, not only the 16 year old girlies

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed your blog

CompSci said...

This is a good idea. Best of the 18 that you posted. Actually targeting websites at hobbies/interestes that are unique to women is a good idea. Since most women are not geeks they don't know how to start a decent website and most men would not know enough about what women like to start a website for them. So there is a lot of potential in that area. Good post.

Ramasike said...

I like this idea very much and Im thinking of using it. Thanks

end of tenancy cleaning said...

" rent a website ".

a good idea for website designers and seo experts.

design a website, optimise it and then rent it out. :)

Rowan said...

That was a great idea. I think I'm going to use it for my web design class. thank you =)

Rakesh Bhalavi said...

i am not a nerd nor am a pro at web development but i think your idea is great...

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